Laying of the corner stone of the Temple

The following article is an accurate reproduction of the article published on Thursday, August 8, 1861 in the Quebec Mercury. This text contains all the errors found in the original.

Quebec Mercury



Laying of the Corner Stone.

he Free Masons of Quebec held high festival on Tuesday, on the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the new building—required for the accommodations of their every day increasing numbers,— in course of erection by the Masonic Hall Association in St. Lewis Street.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the members of the Craft from far and near assembled in the Temperance Hall, at the call of the Grand Master, where the Grand Lodge having been opened in due and ancient form, the Provincial Grand Master then announced to the Grand Lodge and Brethren assembled, that he had accepted an invitation from the Masonic Hall Committee to lay the corner stone of that building, and as this was a duty devolving upon the Masonic fraternity from time immemorial, he convened the Grand Lodge to assist him in the performance of the ceremonies. The Brethren then issued forth in full regalia, and the Grand Directors of Ceremonies marshalled them into order according to the ancient custom. A large number of citizens thronged St. Francis street to witness the gathering of the craft, and on the band striking up the march at the signal, from the directors of ceremonies, the rush of the crowd along the St. Charles Battery near Hope Gate, was almost sufficient to impede the advancing line.

The route selected for the procession was as follows;—down St. Francis street and along the St. Charles Ramparts to the Grand Battery, thence past the Parliament Buildings and the Archbishop’s Palace, up Fort street, in front of the Chateau, ascending Des Carrieres street as far as the Government Garden, up Mount Carmel street, then turning down Haldimand street direct to the Masonic Hall.

To give an idea of the length of the procession, it was remarked that the front ranks were near the Monument, when the rear was leaving the Grand Battery. The number of Masons in attendance was about four hundred.


Two Policemen.

Brother J. Knowles,
Brother W. O’Neil, (Tylers)
The BAND of Her Majesty’s 60th Rifles.

Four Policemen.

Brethren not members of the Lodges.


Civil Service Lodge, Registry of Canada.
Alma Lodge, 931, Registry of England.
Harington Lodge, 49, Registry of Canada.
St. Andrew’s Lodge, 356, Registry of Scotland.
St. John’s Lodge, 214, Registry of England.
Albion Lodge, 17, Registry of England.


With Plans.

W. Bro. W. Miller with Ewer of Corn
W. Bro. S.J. Dawson with Ewer of Wine.
W. Bro. Alex Fraser with Ewer of Oil. (Stewards)

Bro. C. McKenzie, Provincial Grand Pursuivant.
Bro. L. A. Desrochers, Provincial Grand Organist.
Bro. G. T. Cary, Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Bro. J. F. Turnbull, Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Bro. N. H. Bowen, P. Grand Supt. of Works, with plate
Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearers,
Past Provincial Grand Deacons.
V. W. Brother Geo. Veasey, P. G. Secretary, with the Book of Constitution.
Past Provincial Grand Registrar.
V. W. Brother R. H. Smith, Provincial Grand Registrar, with bag.
V. W. Brother Weston Hunt, Provincial Grand Treasurer, bearing phial with Coins.
Past Provincial Grand Wardens.


Worshipful Brother T. J. Reeve, bearing the Corinthian Light.
Worshipful Brother Geo. Irvine, bearing Column of Junior Grand Warden.
V. Worshipful Brother C. H E. Tilstone, Junior Grand Warden, with Plumb Rule.
Bro. J. Scott, Provincial Grand Standard Bearer.


Supported by Grand Stewards.

Worshipful Brother A. F. A. Knight, bearing the Doric Light.
Worshipful Brother Joseph White, bearing Column of Senior Grand Warden.
V. Worshipful Brother John Shaw, S. G. W. with Level.
Brother G. Smith, the Junior Grand Deacon.
Revd. & V. W. Bro. W. A. Adamson, D.C.L.,
Grand Chaplain, with the Volume of the Sacred Law,
R. Worshipful Bro. H. P. Leggatt, Deputy Grand Master, with Square.
R. W. Brother John Soles Bowen, with Ionic Light.
R. W. Brother W. Eadon, with Mallet.
V. W. Brother W. C. Adams, Grand Sword bearer.

The Right Worshipful Bro. James Dean, Junior,


Supported by Provincial Grand Stewards, right and left.
Brother W. Spink, S. G. Deacon.

Bro. W. Wilkinson, Provincial Grand Tyler.

On reaching the site of the new edifice, the Band took ground to the west, and the brethren opened their ranks and faced inwards, so as to allow the Grand Master and his officers to march through, the rest of the brethren falling in behind as he passed, so as to ascend the terrace in reverse order.

The absence from town of some of the leading officials of the Order, prevented the ceremony being carried out a week or so earlier, and the contractors, anxious to keep strictly to their engagements, had run up all the division walls some seven or eight feet above the first floor. This circumstance very much diminished the space devoted to the ceremony, and the accommodation for the spectators was therefore equally limited, it not being known till a few hours before the procession, how many could be admitted to the ladies’ seats. Worshipful Brother Miller, Past Senior Provincial Grand Warden, and Brother St. Hill, Past Grand Pursuivant, who had been nominated a Committee of Arrangements, were from an early hour busily engaged in decorating the walls, and removing materials, &e., so as to make way for the imposing pageant of the afternoon. The Messrs. Peters, Contractors, might be seen actively engaged in directing the works, and long before the hour at which the Lodges were called together, the new building was most handsomely prepared for the occasion. The whole of the basement fronting on St. Lewis Street, had been floored over, while seats rising over each other in the form of an amphitheatre, extended around two sides of the building. Against the centre of the division wall a handsome pavillion for the special accommodation of Lady Head and family had been erected, covered with the Royal standard of Great Britain and Ireland, and draped with flags. Against the eastern wall, upon a slight elevation to the left of the corner stone, arose a dais surrounded by a number of seats; while, outside, the walls of the building facing on St. Lewis and Garden streets, was an elevated platform equal in width to a third of the street, railed in, and lined with green branches and draped with the meteor flag of England.

Long before the appointed hour, the seats within the walls of the building (and to which admission was gained by tickets issued by the Committee of Arrangements) — were filled with elegantly dressed ladies, giving a most enlivening appearance to the interior of the site. The Governor General’s carriage arrived a few minutes before the commencement of the ceremonies, bringing Lady Head and Miss Head and Miss Lefebvre, accompanied by Col. Irvine, A.D.C., who took their seats, in the pavillion already mentioned.

The weather had been rather cloudy during the afternoon, and a few drops of rain fell about three o’clock, but not sufficient to disperse the numerous crowds. Just, however, as the approaching sound of music announced that the procession was at hand, the sky brightened, the sun shone out brilliantly and the weather continued extremely favorable throughout the whole of the ceremony.

The R. W. Bro James Dean, junr., P.G.M., then took up his stand upon the platform and addressed the spectators as follows.—

“Men, women and children, here assembled today, to behold this ceremony, know all of you that we are lawful Masons true to the laws of our country, and professing to fear God who is the Great Architect of all things, to confer benefits on our brethren and to practice universal benevolence to all mankind. We have among us, concealed from the eyes of all men, secrets which may not be revealed and which no man has discovered. But these secrets are lawful and honorable and are placed in the custody of Masons who alone have the keeping of them to the end of time. Unless our craft were good and our calling honorable, we should not have existed for so many centuries, nor should we have had so many illustrious brothers in our order ever ready to sanction our proceedings and contributed to our prosperity. To day we are assembled in the face of you all to build a house for Masonry, which we pray God may prosper, if it seem good to Him, that it may become a house for great and worthy man to practice beneficent actions and to promote harmony and brotherly love till the world itself shall end. We will now proceed to the ceremony, and our reverend Chaplain will implore a blessing on the undertaking.”

The V.W. Bro. Adamson, Grand Chaplain, then proceeded to offer up the following prayer:—

“Great Architect of the universe, Maker and Ruler of all Worlds, deign, from thy celestial Temple, from Realms of light and glory, to help us all in the purposes of our present assembly. We humbly invoke Thee to give us at this and at all times wisdom in all our doings, strength of mind in all our communications. Permit us, Oh! thou Authour of life and light, great source of love and happiness, to erect this building, so that, thereafter, it may be useful for the important purposes for which it is intended.

“Glory to God on high.

“As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. So mote it be.”

The P.G. Superintendent of Works, W. Bro. N. H. Bowen, then proceeded to read the following inscription from the plate about to be deposited in the hollow of the stone:

Annuente Deo Optime Maximo
Imperii Victoriæ
Reginæ Nostræ delectissimæ
Anno XXIV,
Æræ Architectonicæ
Hune primum lapidem
Aulæ Architectonicæ Quebecensis,
Jacobus Dean, Junior,
In Architectonica apud Anglos Republica
Curio Maximus Provincialis
Aulæ Architectonicæ Societatis
Adstante et plaudente Magna Caterva
Fratrum, Civiumque,
Architecto—Edouardo Staveley;
Ædificatoribus—S. & C. Peters.
Q. F. F. Q. S.

James Dean, Junior, P.G.M., President.
Wm. Eadon, P.P.S.G.W., Vice President.
George Veasey, P.G. Secy., Treasurer.
George Thompson, P.P.D.G.M.
Weston Hunt, P.G. Treasr.
Simeon Lelievre.
Saml. J. Dawson, P.P.G.G.W.
Hy. P. Leggatt, D.P.G.M, Secretary.

he plate, together with a number of coins, comprising specimens of all the English, American and Canadian gold, silver and copper coins, and a list of Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge, and copies of the Mercury, Chronicle, and Gazette, newspapers alluding to the ceremony, were then deposited in the hollow of the stone.

At the request of R. W. Bro. Harington, the P. Grand Master also caused to be deposited a list of the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Canada, together with and obituary notice of the late R. W. Brother T. G. Ridout of Toronto, recently deceased.

The foundation stone of the old building, inscribed “Posé le 5 Juin, 1731,” was laid alongside of the corner stone.

The R. Worshipful Grand Master took the trowel and descended from the platform, the Deputy walking on his right and the Grand Wardens in front. Then, standing on the east, the Deputy on his left, and the Grand Wardens facing him in the west, he spread the cement on the lower stone. The upper stone was then slowly lowered into its place, by three regular stops, the Band playing a slow march.

Then the following ceremonial took place.

Grand Master— Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master. You will now cause the various implements to be applied to the stone, in order that it may be laid in its bed according to the rules of architecture.

The Deputy Grand Master desired the Junior Grand Warden to apply the plumb rule, and the Senior Grand Warden to do the same with the level, after which he applied the square and bowed to the Grand Master.

Grand Master— Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, what is the proper jewel of your office?

J G W— The plumb rule,

G M— Have you applied the plumb rule to the several edges of the stone?

J G W.— I have, and the craftsmen have done their duty.

G M.— R W S G W. What is the proper jewel of your office?

S G W.— The level.

G M.— Have you applied the level to the top of the stone?

S G W.— I have, and the craftsmen have done their duty.

G M.— R W D G M., What is the proper jewel of your office?

D G M.— The square.

G. M.— Have you applied the square to those parts of the stone which should be squared?

D G M.— I have, and the craftsmen have done their duty.

G. M.— Having now, R. W. brethren, full confidence in your skill in our Royal Art, it remains with me to finish our work.

Then going to the stone, giving three knocks with the mallet, he said—”Well formed and truly laid, may this undertaking be conducted and completed by the craftsmen according to the grand plan, in Peace, Harmony, and Brotherly love.”

This cornucopia and ewers containing the corn, wine and oil were then handed to the Grand Master who poured from each upon the stone, for the refreshment of the workmen.

The Grand Chaplain then offered up the following prayer—”God be merciful unto us and bless us, and show us the light of His countenance and bless us. The Lord lift up the light of His countenance, and give us peace now and for evermore. Amen”

The band now played—God Save the Queen.

The route home as by St. Lewis street, down the Esplanade, by St. John and Couillard streets to the Hall where the brethren adjourned at a quarter past five o’clock to reassemble at the Banquet.

Among the visitors, were V. W. Bro. C. P. Ladd, P. M.; W. Bro. Geo. Nunn, W. M.; Bro. J. R. Spong, Secretary; J. M. Desjardins, S. W. all of St. George’s Lodge Montreal; and R. H. Stevens, W. M.; W. Easton, D. of C.; and E. P. Henneford, J. W. of St. Lawrence Lodge Montreal, two delegations. Also W. Bro. C. Cope, of the Grand Lodge of New York, and Bro. Commodore Stewart, U. S.; Bros. J. Reynar, W. M., and G. H. Macaulay, of Shawinegan Lodge, Three Rivers, and others.

The trowel used by the Provincial Grand Master in spreading the cement upon the corner stone was of silver, manufactured by Mr. Poulin of St. John street, and altogether an exquisite piece of workmanship. It was expressly presented to the P. G. Master, for the occasion, by the contractors Messrs. S & C Peters; and bore upon the face the following inscription :—” This Trowel was used in laying the corner of the Quebec Masonic Hall; 6th August, 1861.” On the reverse were these words :—” Presented to James Dean Junior, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of English Free Masons, and President of the Quebec Masonic Hall Association, by S. & C. Peters, Contractors.” The trowel was in a magnificent morocco case, lined with purple velvet and white satin.


he Banquet at Russell’s Concert Hall, in connection with the hotel, was in every sense of the word a decided success. Brother Willis Russell exhausted his store of edibles and wines to provide for the company, and when the Grand Lodge met at eight o’clock they found the tables liberally supplied with all that the most fastidious palate could desire. Brother Russell, whose reputation in such matters is acknowledged, excelled himself in catering for his brethren of the mystic tie, and loud were the praises of all who had the pleasure of partaking of the dainties which he had laid before them.

When the Right Worshipful the Grand Master of Quebec and Three Rivers, Brother Dean took the Chair, the number of brethren present was about two hundred, including several visitors. On the right of the R. W. G. M., sat the most Worshipful the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, Brother Harrington, and on the left of the Chair sat the Right Worshipful Brother Joseph Gundry, Provincial Grand Master of Dorset, England, now on a visit to Canada. The Right Worshipful Brother H. P. Leggatt, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Very Worshipful Brother Adamson, Provincial Grand Chaplain, and the guests from Montreal and other cities occupied prominent places near the chair. The Vice Chairs were filled by Right Worshipful Brother Geo. Thompson, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master; V. W. Bro. John Show, Senior Grand Warden; V. W. Bro. C. H. E. Tilstone, Junior Grand Warden; V. W. Bro. J. Gillespie, P. G. Treasurer.

The tables were tastefully ornamented with countless bouquets of the choicest flowers, and when surrounded by the Brethren in their regalia, the room presented one of the most brilliant scenes ever witnessed in Quebec.

After the viands had been disposed of, the Grand Master called the Brethren to order with three strokes of his gavel.

The Grand Master commenced the list of toasts with the “Queen and the Craft” which was drunk with the usual honors, the National Anthem being sung in capital voice by Bro. N. H. Bowen.

“The Grand Lodge of England” was then proposed from the Chair, the G. M. coupling with it the name of R. W. B Joseph Gundry, Provincial Grand Master for the County of Dorset, England, who had kindly assisted in the ceremony of the day, and whose presence he was proud of as one of the guests of the evening. However high an opinion (said the R. W. Grand Master,) masons in Quebec may have of other Grand Lodges, they will never cease to remember that it is to the mother lodge in England the brotherhood, how so flourishing here, owes its existence.

The toasts were drunk with the customary honors.

R. W. Bro. Gundry returned thanks on behalf of the Grand Lodge of England. Alluding to the differences which had existed between the Grand Lodge of England and the lodges of Upper Canada, he was pleased to think they were now overcome, and that the brethren were once more cemented in the bounds of unity and friendship with the mother lodge. (Cheers.) It would ill become him to dilate on the advantages of Free Masonry, its broad and liberal principles, or the benefits it afforded to every man who had the happiness of belonging to the order, whether his position was high or low. He had been made to feel some of these advantages in the true and generous hospitality shown him as an humble member of the craft while a transient wanderer in this noble country. The kind attention he had met with from the brethren in every one of the British Provinces was such that he could not find words to express his appreciation of it. The ceremony of this day afforded ample proof of the solid foundation on which the craft was based in Quebec, and he hoped to return to see the building, commenced under such auspicious circumstances, in full occupation by those who had undertaken its erection. He promised to convey to the Grand Lodge of England, as well as he could, an idea of the consideration in which it is held in Quebec.

Brother G. H. Macaulay in obedience to a call from the chair, sang “The Red, White and Blue.”

The R. W. G. M. in proposing the next toast to “The Most Worshipful the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge of Canada,” adverted in most complimentary terms to the presence, on his right, of the head of the Masonic body under the Canada Grand Lodge. The distinguished brother was no stranger to Quebec, it was at his hands he (the speaker) had received the third degree in Free Masonry when he was Grand Master of the Brethren in this district owning allegiances to England. That brother had since transferred the benefit of his great zeal and learning as a mason to the Grand Lodge of Canada over which he now worthily presided, but he could assure him (Brother Harington) that his services to the craft in Quebec would ever be held in grateful remembrance. The brethren there entertained the most lively feeling of fraternal regard for those of the Grand Lodge of Canada, but for none could they have more respect or esteem than the Grand Master who had lent his assistance to the Masons of this city, and reminded them by his presence here to-night he was still one of them.

The toast was received with the greatest enthusiasm. After the honors had been given,

M. W. Bro. Harington, who on rising was received with repeated rounds of hearty cheers, said that he did not intend to make a long speech for he believed that long speeches only went to spoil good dinners and good fellowship. The reception he had met with brought back to mind old times, and the old faces around him reminded him that he was again with those among whom he had spent many happy days. He felt that it was utterly out of his power properly to return thanks for the honor conferred on him. He did not wish to be accused of egotism, but he thought that the cheers with which he was greeted were not given to him entirely on account of his being grand master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, but in some measure for auld lang syne— out of friendship for himself. He knew that the Grand Lodge of Canada looked with the warmest affection on the Grand Lodge of England, recognizing it as the most conservative of Masonic bodies. All he hoped was that the Canada Lodge which was yet almost in its infancy, might follow in the footsteps of the Grand Lodge of England. It was an old and a true saying that blood was thicker than water, and the Masons under the Canada Lodge could never forget the parent lodge; they would always love the English masons and those who still adhered to their registry; there could be no separation between them on account of national feeling. He had joined the Canada Grand Lodge from deep seated belief and conviction and not from caprice; he conceived that the assertion of their independence was the best step the Canadian lodges could take. The Grand Lodge of Canada entertained the warmest feelings towards the Lower Canadian lodges under English jurisdiction. It regarded him too as a past grand master under the Grand lodge of England, and his elevation to the head of the newly established body was due he believed to the high position he had held under the English Grand lodge. God bless the Grand Lodge of England would be always his prayer. He hoped that no differences would ever arise between the respective bodies; he pledged himself as a man and a mason to support every measure which would keep the bodies in harmony, and at the same time advance the prosperity of the Grand Lodge of Quebec and Three Rivers. The Grand Lodge of Canada had of course taken its stand and could not fall back, but it would never withhold the right hand of fellowship from English masons. He again returned thanks for the warmth of this reception and the enthusiastic manner in which his health had been drunk, and concluded by asking leave to propose “The health of the R. W. Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Dean, and success to the Grand Lodge of Quebec and Three Rivers.”

The toast was drunk by the other brethren present, and

R. W. Brother Dean responded. The Grand Master of Canada had expressed the hope that the lodges still continuing on the registry of England, would one day be entered on the Canadian register, but he [Bro Dean] did not expect to see that day; during his life time he would always sign himself and English Mason, and he hoped that so long as there was a sufficient number of Masons in Quebec to form a lodge, the allegiance to England would be maintained. [Cheers.]

V. W. Bro. Adamson, Grand Chaplain, proposed the next toast, at the request of the chair. He concurred in the opinion that long speeches were out of place on occasions of this kind, although he might sometimes preach a long sermon. He was delighted to see the brethren enjoying themselves, and the sight of so many happy faces around him coupled, with the incidents of the day, recalled an observation which he heard on a recent excursion. In conversation with a fisherman of the Lower St. Lawrence, he enquired the news, and was told that “the big ship had passed up with seven regiments of infantry, two regiments of cavalry and 100 Armstrong guns.” Asking the man what he thought of her, he was answered, “I thought, indeed, it was Newfoundland coming up the river.” Now this expression might serve to convey an idea of his (Brother Adamson’s) surprise at seeing so many of the brethren this evening. When he came into this banquet hall and saw the tables surrounded by so large and respectable a gathering, he thought for a moment Newfoundland indeed had come to Quebec. But it was not Newfoundland, for amongst the company he noticed old brother Harington, brothers Smith, Nickinson, St. Hill, and other familiar faces. The craft had done good work this day and he hoped the blessing of God would rest upon it. They had laid the corner stone of an edifice which would be a lasting monument of their liberality, charity and forbearance to all. Those brethren who had come from the old country knew how the venerable churches and other relics of antiquity there appealed to their feelings, how they reminded them of the good qualities of their ancestors, how they impressed them with a noble idea of their devotion and benevolence. The building commenced today would inculcate brotherly love, peace, fraternity and honesty. Using the word honesty, he remembered that entering the store of one of the most shrewd business men in the city to-day, in company with the Grand Master, and asking him how he liked the procession, the party addressed, who was not a mason, answered, “I have been thirty years in Quebec, and I have never before seen so many honest men together.” He would propose “Success to the Masonic Hall, and prosperity to Masonry in Quebec.”

This toast having been duly honored,

Worshipful Brother Eadon, Vice-President of the Quebec Masonic Hall Association spoke. He was proud of the proceedings of this day and as one of the oldest masons in Quebec, rejoiced that the Fraternity was about to have a local habitation as well as a name in this city. He hoped the brethren would continue their liberality by taking further stock in the Hall so that the building might remain in the hands of the craft. Every true brother actuated bu feelings of regard for the prosperity of the order should take a pride in being a stockholder in the Association. Masonry has a firm footing in Quebec, and no better proof of this was needed than the proceedings of the day. He had not the least doubt that, apart from its benefit to the craft, the Hall would prove a profitable investment and leave a surplus to go to the benefit of the charitable funds of the Institution in this district.

Brother Georges Smith sang “The battle of Inkerman.”

The R. W. Charmain then gave “Our guests and Visitors,” alluding to the presence of brethren from England, the States, Canada West, Montreal and Three Rivers.

V. W. Brother Ladd, Past Master of St. George’s Lodge, E. R., Montreal, returned thanks. In the sister city the Masons were probably, he said, more numerous than in Quebec, but there was a want of that unity and enthusiasm which were evident here. He desired to see the craft in Montreal follow out the excellent example set them this day by Quebec Masons. He trusted that the good feeling and fellowship which now subsisted between the two cities would always continue, and that the Grand Lodge of this district and the Grand Lodge of Canada, would ever continue to work harmoniously together. Both Grand Lodges had a common object, fellowship to mankind and prosperity to masonry. He hoped that, ere many years rolled over, the Montreal Masons would be able to reciprocate the compliment paid them to-day, by inviting their Quebec brethren to do a similar duty in Montreal. Brother G. H. Macaulay, of Shawenigan Lodge, C. R., Three Rivers, also returned thanks. In the city he came from, the brethren had learned to appreciate the benefits of free-masonry, and nothing could produce a better effect on their minds that the splendid display this day made by the Masons of Quebec. The fraternity in Three Rivers wished to live on the square with all, but more especially with the masons of Quebec.

The Grand Treasurer pro-tem, Bro. James Gillespie, with permission of the Grand Master proposed the health of Bro. Kennedy, commander of the “Great Eastern” whose absence he regretted this evening. He was confident that if the departure of the great ship could have been delayed, Brother Kennedy would only have been too glad to attend this festival, and bring many with him.

The toast was drunk amid cheers, and was followed by a song from W. Bro. Eadon, “We are all cutting our passage through this world.”

M. W. Bro. Harington proposed the “Health of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.”

R. W. Bro. J. S. Bowen, Past Master of St. Andrew’s Lodge, 356, R. S., acknowledged the honor.

Brother Hamburgher, from Germany also returned thanks, stating that the Lodge in which he had been made a mason, was under the registry of Scotland, and he was pleased while visiting Quebec, to have this opportunity of enjoying the company of so many of the brethren.

Song by Brother Snaith —” I am an Englishman.”

V. W. Bro. J. Shaw, Senior Grand Warden, proposed as the next toast, “Masons’ Wives and Masons’ Bairns.”

Song by Brother Burgess, “The Irish Emigrant.”

W. Brother Ladd, proposed as a toast “The City of Quebec. May her prosperity keep pace with that of Montreal.”

The Grand Master then called the brethren to order, and shortly before midnight, closed the Grand Lodge. The festivities were however prolonged to a later hour, several volunteer toasts being drunk and it was almost two o’clock when the brethren separated, “Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again.”

hat the demonstration would be effectively carried out was expected by all who knew the true and trusty brethren to whom that duty was allotted. Perhaps the greatest incentive which could have been offered, was placing in view the benefit which would be obtained by the craft making a creditable appearance before the public of Quebec, and no doubt this influenced many of those who labored for success. The arrangements were in every respect complete, and the Fraternity may well challenge comparison for a more orderly and respectable gathering. It is pleasant to be able to add that nothing occurred which could in any way mar the proceedings of the day, and the only regret felt was that the ceremony could not, on account of the advanced state of the building, be deferred until the arrival of the Grand Master of France, Prince Napoleon, so that he might honor his brethren in this city by attending, and join with them in singing

“Hail, Masonry divine !
Glory of ages, shine !
Long may’st thou reign :
Where’er thy Lodges stand,
May they have great command,
And always grace the land.
Thou art divine !
Great fabrics still arise,
And grace the azure skies ;
Great are thy schemes ;
Thy noble orders are
Matchless, beyond compare ;
No art with thee can share.
Thou art divine !”

To show the interest taken by Masons, of whatever locality, in all that concerns the honor of the Craft, we may mention, on authority, that R. W. Bro. Gundry, Provincial Grand Master of the County of Dorset, England, and W. Bro. J. Cope, of the Grand Lodge of New York, immediately after the proceedings of Tuesday took stock for a large amount in the new Masonic Hall Association.

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